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What is plant growth promoting (PGP) bacteria?

Plant growth promotion (PGP) bacteria are microbes that benefit and enhance plant growth and development through various mechanisms, such as hormone production, nitrogen fixation, and mineral solubilization. By boosting these mechanisms, plant nutrient and uptake is increased and resistance to disease and abiotic stresses is higher. The bacteria are also very beneficial to soils, as they promote bioremediation to keep soils clean and healthy. In simpler terms: PGP bacteria make it easier for plants to get what they need (food, water, etc.) and make soils more hospitable for plants to survive and thrive!

PGP bacteria are naturally-occurring and are an integral part of soil ecosystems. Since these bacteria are so beneficial to plants, scientists (including us!) have been harvesting them from soils and cultivating them in a laboratory setting to be introduced to plants and soils, especially those in agricultural systems and revegetation sites.

Benefits of PGP Bacteria

In general, PGP bacteria is, as the name suggests, a great addition to plants and soils. Plant growth and development is enhanced naturally, and the soil ecosystem becomes stronger and healthier with bioremediation.

While different microbial consortia can yield different benefits, most PGP bacteria increase the nutrient and water uptake in plants, which can result in:

  • Increased plant size and volume
  • Higher crop yield and ROI
  • Enhanced applied fertilizer efficiency
  • Increased plant tolerance and recovery to abiotic stressors
  • Revitalized, bioremediated soil ecosystems that are clean and healthy

The natural microbes in our PGP products (PGP4 and PGP2R) are safe for plants and harmless to animals and people.

Applications of PGP bacteria

In sustainable agriculture

With the addition of PGP bacteria, plants are boosted with enhanced nutrient uptake and protection against disease, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. PGP is also suitable for organic farming practices as the microbes are naturally occurring in soils.

PGP bacteria is a great asset to regenerative agriculture. Regenerative agriculture places a focus on farming in harmony with nature, with the end result being nourished people AND soils. PGP complements this principle nicely, as the bacteria enhance both food crops and soil health for future agriculture.

To boost crop yield and quality

PGP can significantly increase crop yields and quality by enhancing growth, nutrient uptake, and stress tolerance. By improving these factors, crop characteristics can also improve. These can include but are not limited to: colour, taste, shelf life, and nutritional content.

To accelerate revegetation and landscaping applications

PGP can improve the establishment and growth of plants in tough soil conditions, such as grasses, shrubs, and bushes. The bacteria are also suitable for the establishment of ornamental plants, turf, and other landscaping vegetation.

These applications make PGP bacteria a valuable tool in modern agriculture and environmental management, contributing to more sustainable and resilient plant growth systems. The benefits don’t just stop at plants and soil, humans can reap them through these applications.